Paper Towns by John Green
I just read the obituary of Anthony Powell in The Economist Book of Obituaries
Paper Towns is about Quentin, who has adored his next-door neighbor, Margo Roth Spiegelman, from afar since they were nine years old. Q gets to adore her from up close for one long, prank-filled night a month before graduating from high school, and then gets a month to think about the differences, since she disappears completely the very next day.
I think it's a very clever book. John Green, author of An Abundance of Katherines
In the name of deciphering Margo's whereabouts, Q is sent off on solitary missions and vigils, taking him out of his familiar surroundings and giving him time to think. Because Q is carless for much of the book, he must enlist the help of friends, which forces him to consider their needs and personalities. There's even a road trip, the ultimate modern opportunity for contemplation. Every teenager might benefit from such an episode.
Wow, Anthony Powell's advice sucks so far. I wouldn't read this book, given this review, and that's completely wrong, because Paper Towns is one of the rare YA books not involving apocalypse that I might read again just because it's so good. How about if I tell you that Q and his friends are funny nerds - sharp and up to the moment - and the insights come sandwiched between situations involving keg stands, inappropriate deployment of Confederate flag t-shirts, and urine-filled squirt guns?
"I'll ask Angela if she knows anybody," Radar said. "Although getting you a date to prom will be harder than turning lead into gold."There!
"Getting you a date to prom is so hard that the hypothetical idea itself is actually used to cut diamonds," I added.
Radar... came back with another. "Ben, getting you a date to prom is so hard that the American government believes the problem cannot be solved with diplomacy, but will instead require force."
I LOVED the road trip in this book.
Love the quote you picked...The dorky humor was great in this book! :)
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