A few things pleased me mightily:
WOLFSNAIL! The little non-fiction book that could (win a Geisel Honor, that is). When I plucked it more or less at random off a cart, I was surprised and amused at the idea of a predatory snail. After I read it, I was SO impressed that the book was based on direct observation instead of being rehashed from an encyclopedia entry. And indeed, the photos are beautiful and the prose is effective. But come on, a predatory garden snail? That is just funny.
Becoming Billie Holiday
A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever. Oh do I love this book! Maybe I've mentioned it before. Ah, yes, it appears I have. I like Marla Frazee quite a lot - she has a rare ability to crack up grownups and still be appealing to children. She's like Sesame Street in book form.
Garmann's Summer got that prize for a book in translation. I think it is more notable for the illustrations than the text, but I'm just pleased it got the recognition. It's a weird book but it addresses fear - in a fearless way - which I think is something we need to see more of.
Stinky got a Geisel Honor, and I'm going to agree with that. I think Eleanor Davis has a fresh approach to color and knows what kids like.
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian got an Odyssey Award. What's an Odyssey Award, you ask? And why is this spectacular book so far down the list? Well, Odyssey is an audiobook award, and Our Sherm got it for reading his own book. Hmph. He should have gotten the Printz for it, and he didn't. Not this year, and not last year. And the audio version is out of print already according to Amazon.
I'm extremely happy, though, to see Stephen Briggs recognized for his narration of Terry Pratchett's Nation. Briggs is a frickin' NUT when it comes to reading this stuff - his character voices actually cause me pain. I tried reading A Hat Full of Sky
A few things displeased me:
Where is Adam Rex
The House in the Night
The Newbery titles, with the possible exception of the Big Winnah Mistah Gaiman's Book
Well, that's all. Tune in next year when I get to grouse about awards again. Better yet, keep your eye on the Cybils Awards - I actually participated in those, so I will have no room to complain!
can i just tell you how much i enjoy this blog? you're mouthy. i like that.
totally with you in the love of marla frazee and the hmmm reaction to house in the night over in a blue room (the latter was HUGE with my 4-yr-old; the former didn't connect at all).
my 7-yr-old was crazy about and memorized most of frankenstein makes a sandwich, but was really disappointed by FMAC. i thought it did err on the side of "funny for grownups" -- my daughter KNEW there was too much she wasn't getting, and felt frustrated and left out.
Thank you for your kind words about Wolfsnail. When the publisher called me he could hardly keep a straight tone -- a predatory snail ... and no one else has written about it ... and you just happen to be the expert ... (of course, I'm not really an expert). But I watched mighty carefully. Thanks for keeping the guys in mind.
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