Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Elephant & Piggie by Mo Willems - review

Mo Willems, god of line and shape, has an I Can Read series (yay! hooray! if he can get my one kid toilet-trained, he can surely teach the other one to read!). Called Elephant and Piggie, all titles are recommended. Not since Hop on Pop ("The simplest Seuss for youngest use") has there been such entertaining fare for the youngest readers.

I paged through Today I Will Fly! with one of my librarian colleagues, and she said, "This reads just like the play I saw last night."

"Which play?" I asked, thinking, dude, that might be a play I'd like to see.
"It was called Betrayal," she answered.
"Betrayal? The Pinter play?!"
"That's the one!" she said.

So, happy me, I get to be probably the first to proclaim Mo Willems' dialogue "Pinter-esque"!

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