Thursday, April 17, 2008

Leaves by David Ezra Stein - review

Leaves by David Ezra Stein.
Also I have an imagined kinship with David Ezra Stein. I grew up with a David Stein, a misunderstood genius who played the cello - and I have a close family member named Ezra. So, again, I'm going to be prejudiced toward this book.

BUT. Oh, this is a winner by anyone's lights. It's a young bear and his relationship with the seasons, specifically, with the leaves. The bear is inked so expressively, you can feel yourself stretch when he stretches. And there are 9 or 10 pages of the same view of the tree under which the bear is hibernating, during which we see the small changes brought about by the changing seasons. That sort of flip-book approach almost always works for me.

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